Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Lagardère Travel Retail UK Limited's slavery and human trafficking statement for the 2018 financial year which ended on 31 December 2018.
Lagardère Travel Retail UK Limited is a subsidiary of Lagardère Duty Free SAS (a company registered in France), and is part of a large group with Lagardère SCA (a company registered in France) being the ultimate parent undertaking. Lagardère SCA reported on CSR for the period 2017-2018, a copy of which is available on their website.
Lagardère Travel Retail UK Limited operates travel retail shops in UK airports as well as stores on Irish Ferries. We hast a wide range of products from around the world in our stores, therefore our supply chain is global. The main categories of products are food, fashion, alcohol, tobacco, souvenirs and beauty. The company sources its products from third party suppliers and does not manufacture any products of its own. Many of our suppliers are established and prestigious businesses operating with their own detailed social and ethical policies. Most of our suppliers are selected centrally, and they have to adhere to a responsible supplier charter (See Appendix 1).
ln relation to direct employees, we undertake appropriate pre-employment checks to ensure a right to work in the UK, and further identity checks where required. We pay a minimum ofthe living wage to all of our employees. Those with recruitment responsibilities receive relevant training for their raie, and our people policies include an Employee Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing.
Signed by Amaury Dehen, Managing Director of Lagardère Travel Retail UK & Ireland.
Appendix 1
The Lagardère Group adheres to the UN Global Compact, by which member companies commit to "embrace, support and enact within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption ''.
In this context, the Lagardère Group, because it considers respect for these universal values as fundamental, expects its suppliers and, indirectly, their partners and subcontractors, to comply with these principles and in general conduct their activities in such a way that contributes to the broader goal of sustainable development, environmentally, economically and socially.
The Lagardère Group reserves the right to favour companies that in this respect have chosen to be transparent and respectful with regard to the values mentioned in this Charter, whatever the applicable local law.
The Supplier shall strictly respect the fundamental principles set out below and shall guarantee compliance by its own employees and representatives.
A. Child labour
Not to use child labour for the manufacture of products or performance of services provided to the Lagardère Group and to contribute to the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour.
Considered a form of exploitation, "child labour" should not be confused with the employment of young people or students. The term "child" refers to boys and girls whose age is less than the legal minimum working age (which varies depending on the type of work and the country) and / or the age at which schooling ceases to be mandatory.
In principle, the minimum age for entry to employment or work should not be less than 15 years. Regarding "hazardous" work, the minimum age is 18 years, regardless of the country.
B. Forced and compulsory labour
To only employ persons whose presence is voluntary and to reject all forms of slavery or similar practices, forced or compulsory labour and any use of violence (physical or mental), threats, corporal punishment etc.
To treat all employees with respect and dignity.
C. Working hours
To ensure that the working time of employees is in compliance with local regulations . Not to require any employee to regularly work more than 48 hours per week (as the ILO recommends) and in any case never more than 60 hours including any overtime. In addition, any overtime imposed must be limited. In any event, ail overtime must be paid at a rate higher than the normal rate.
Finally, each employee must receive at least one day off per 7-day period.
D. Minimum wages and benefits
To provide its employees with a decent wage, i.e., sufficient to meet their basic needs and those of their families (in the absence of applicable legislation in this regard).
To participate in social security funds and welfare funds into which employers and/or employees are legally required to pay contributions, including social insurance, work injury insurance, pensions, housing and unemployment allowances; as well as contribute to these funds on behalf of ail employees under legal provisions.
E. Equal opportunities
Not to practise negative discrimination against employees in any form whatsoever, in matters of employment, occupation, recruitment, pay, or otherwise, for reasons such as race, skin colour, gender, religion, political opinion, ethnie or national origin, social origin or any other circumstance.
F. Health and safety
To ensure that buildings, workplaces, machinery, equipment and work processes, as well as chemical, physical and biological substances and agents placed under contrai do not present any risk to the hygiene, health and safety of employees. Similarly, where necessary, adequate protective clothing and protective equipment should be provided to prevent the risk of accidents or adverse health effects.
The Supplier also agrees to apply the same standards of hygiene, health and safety in any accommodation provided to its employees.
G. Labour relations
To respect the legal rights of employees to form trade unions and/or the representative organisations of their choice and / or to join them, and to respect the legal rights of employees to authorise these unions/organisations to represent them in collective bargaining, which must be conducted in a constructive manner.
ln this context, the Lagardère Group strongly encourages its suppliers to be part of a social certification process and, pending the introduction of an ISO standard, recommends that it refers to the following certifications or standards:
- SA 8000 (Social certification)
- OHSAS 18001 (certification on working conditions, health and safety)
- ILO-OSH 2001 (safety and occupational health management system)
The Supplier must, within the framework of laws, regulations and administrative practices in force in the country or countries in which it operates, and with consideration to relevant international agreements, principles, objectives and standards, take into account the need to protect the environment, as well as public health and safety.
In particular, the Supplier makes a commitment in the following areas:
A. Authorisations. licences and certificates
To obtain and maintain authorisations, licences and/or certificates of any kind to enable it at any time to carry out its operation in accordance with applicable regulations and to provide them to the Lagardère Group on request.
B. Use of natural resources and raw materials and waste management
To use natural resources efficiently and to endeavour as much as possible to take into account the entire life cycle of the product or service in its design (reduce packaging and overwrapping, minimise waste, use eco-labelled products, encourage eco-design, consider the recyclability of finished products etc.).
C. Emissions of toxic or hazardous substances and greenhouse gases
Not to use hazardous or taxie products contrary to local regulations, nor release into the environment any polluting or contaminating substances, and in all circumstances strive to be more rigorous than the mere application of current authorisations and regulations.
Similarly, the Supplier shall ensure that it limits emissions of greenhouse gases generated as part of the development of its products and/or services.
D. Hazardous substances: information and labelling
Not to deliver any product to the Lagardère Group that contains radioactive substances, preparations or mixtures, PBT (Persistent, Bio-accumulative, Toxic), vPvBs (very Persistent, very Bio-accumulative), CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for Reproduction) or SVHC (Substances of very High Concern).
In certain cases permitted by law, any presence of a hazardous substance must be indicated in an appropriate document and / or on the product packaging (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, fragrance, glue etc.).
In this context, the Lagardère Group strongly encourages its suppliers to be part of a recognised environmental certification procedure and recommends it refers to international standard ISO 14001 or the EMAS European system.
The Supplier agrees to maintain ethical and responsible behaviour in the conduct of its business and shall focus in particular on the following principles:
A. Quality
To maintain the highest level of rigour in the design and delivery of its products or in the performance of its services to be in full compliance with its customers' specifications.
B. Confidentiality
To do everything possible with regard to its employees and subcontradors to ensure the strict confidentiality of sensitive data and information exchanged with its partners, customers and suppliers.
C. Intellectual property
To refrain from using for commercial purposes any text, document, model and any design in general unduly, i.e., without the permission of the author and / or successors or without paying the corresponding fees.
D. Fight against corruption
(i) To certify that neither it nor, to its knowledge, any person acting on its behalf, has made or offered, and shall not make of offer, any payment, gift, promise or any other advantage, whether directly or indirectly, insofar as such payment, gift, promise or advantage is or shall be aimed at:
- influencing any act or decision, including on the part of a public offical (including in particular any person carrying out a public service activity, elected, appointed or employed by a local or national authority, or by a company controlled by the State or by a public organisation or political party, etc.);
- persuading a third party (including a public official) to carry out or refrain from carrying out an act in breach of their legal obligations;
- gaining an unfair advantage; or
- persuading a third party (including a public official) to use their influence to obtain a decision from a public service, any public authority or a public company.
(ii) To ensure that persans or entities with whom it may negotiate or enter into contract, for the manufacture or delivery of products or performance of services provided to the Lagardère Group, agree to comply with the obligations set out in this clause.
(iii) To refrain from offering any tangible or intangible gifts to employees or representatives of the Lagardère Group, or to any third party closely related to them (family, friends etc.) apart from items which are promotional in nature or of small value.
Without prejudice to any other rights or recourse that the Lagardère Group may have pursuant to the contract or the law, including in particular damages, any failure to meet one or more of the obligations referred to in (i), (ii) and (iii) shall entitle the Lagardère Group to suspend and / or terminate the contract at the fault of the Supplier with immediate effect.
The Lagardère Group expects its suppliers to comply with national laws of the country in which they have business, local laws, regulations and standards applicable to their business and industry standards, with the understanding that in the event of there being any inconsistency between what is specified in local laws and regulations and in this Charter, the measures that are most favourable to employees shall prevail.
Suppliers shall implement measures to ensure the proper communication of this charter to employees.